Olympic sewage pools
dumped into nature this year
There are 5,253 Olympic sewage pools per day untreated dumped into nature
There are 5,253 Olympic sewage pools per day untreated dumped into nature
Access the “Brazil Sanitation Panel” (PORTUGUESE ONLY) and discover how access to water transforms people’s lives in more than 893 locations throughout Brazil. Check your city’s socioeconomic and sanitation indicators.
Podcast do Instituto Trata Brasil traz um bate-papo com especialistas sobre o saneamento do país
A escassez hídrica e a proliferação de algumas doenças são mais comuns durante essa estação…
Região enfrenta desafios na infraestrutura de saneamento, com milhões de habitantes sem acesso ao básico
1.398 piscinas olímpicas de esgoto são despejadas diariamente na região, causando prejuízos à saúde da…
Annually, Instituto Trata Brasil publishes a range of studies on access to basic sanitation and its relationship with society. There are several studies with the aim of promoting debates and bringing knowledge to society about the impacts caused by the absence of water and sewage services in the country. In this section you can access all publications, such as the Sanitation Ranking, Study on Water Loss, Economic and Social Benefits of the Sanitation Expansion in Brazil, among others.
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