Logo Trata Brasil

Social Projects

Instituto Trata Brasil develops projects in communities vulnerable to basic sanitation and where the lack of water and daily contact with open sewage are part of the families’ reality.

Within the scope of work there are four areas of activity:

Play to Sanitize

Treats Brazil in the Community

Water and Citizenship for Life

Support for Rural Sanitation in Isolated Areas

Do you want to know more and hire social projects? Contact!

Edna Cardoso

Consultora de Projetos Sociais do Instituto Trata Brasil
+55 (11) 99923-4899
[email protected]

Social Projects

Support for Rural Sanitation in Isolated Areas

This axis seeks partnerships with rural research bodies and companies that provide some type of solution for water supply and/or sewage collection and treatment.

Treats Brazil in the Community

The evolution of the quality of life of people living in needy communities is monitored, before and after receiving basic sanitation services.

Water and Citizenship for Life

The scope of the axis envisages changing habits, informing society about the impacts of the lack of sewage collection and treatment services on a daily basis.

Water at school

The aim is to create awareness projects about the importance of rational use of water and sewage infrastructure for schools and educational spaces, aiming at students, educators and parents.