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The Trata Brasil Institute has already released two documentaries and a series of videos that address the importance of basic sanitation services in vulnerable communities and in critical regions across Brazil. The documentaries are composed by specialists in the sanitation sector and have the participation of residents of communities affected by the lack of basic sanitation in the country from the perspective of different realities in access to water and sanitary sewage in Brazil.

Documentary: The Reality of Sanitation

The Trata Brasil Institute publishes the documentary “The Reality of Basic Sanitation in Brazil – documentary with the Ambassadors of the Trata Brasil Institute”, a film produced by Kurundu Filmes that interviewed residents of critical regions in São Paulo and Porto Alegre, as well as collaborating

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Sanitation is +

It is a series of videos with information about the benefits and impacts of poor sanitation in the country.      Sanitation is + Emplyment! Sanitation is + Tourism! Sanitation is + Health!

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Documentary: The Struggle for Basics

The documentary addresses the importance of water and sanitation in vulnerable communities that started to receive these services, with reports from residents and community leaders talking about the quality of life, especially before and after water and sewage services. The documentary is based on projects carried

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