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What is Sanitation?

Basic sanitation is a right guaranteed by the Constitution, and an essential strategic tool for the development of quality of life in the country. But in addition to being essential for people’s health, sanitation is vital for the sustainability of our rivers, which today suffer with tons of waste dumped into its waters every day.

The lack of basic sanitation affects the health and development prospects of millions of Brazilians. Not to mention that access to this service is a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

Sanitation works do not appear. But this work that is underground changes the lives of the people who live above it. Therefore, the provision of sanitation services is directly linked to the development of a country. Sanitation reduces child mortality, improves education conditions, encourages tourism, increases property value, increases workers’ income and cleans up our rivers.

According to the Ministry of Health (DATASUS 2022), in 2022 alone, Brazil recorded almost 191 thousand hospitalizations caused by so-called waterborne diseases, caused by contamination in water. This alarming number reveals how much the lack of sanitation harms life in the country, meaning that millions of Brazilians are forced to live without drinking water.

It’s time to give this issue the importance it deserves. And to make Brazil realize that sanitation is basic.