
Documentary: The Reality of Sanitation

The Trata Brasil Institute publishes the documentary “The Reality of Basic Sanitation in Brazil – documentary with the Ambassadors of the Trata Brasil Institute”, a film produced by Kurundu Filmes that interviewed residents of critical regions in São Paulo and Porto Alegre, as well as collaborating personalities with the Institute. The proposal is to show real problems faced daily due to the lack of this fundamental right; have good drinking water and our sewage collected and treated. In the film, it is possible to have a dimension of the health problems caused, such as the more than 400 thousand annual hospitalizations for diarrhea, according to the IBGE 2014, in addition to the correlation between the lack of basic sanitation and the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito (dengue transmitter, chikungunya and Zika).

Another issue addressed is the lack of regularization and housing policies that allow for solving the problem of these services in irregular areas. Currently, more than 11 million people live in these locations in Brazil, also according to the IBGE, and live totally excluded from any possibility of access to the most basic things.

The documentary will be available in full, for the first time, on the website of Instituto Trata Brasil, after being screened at the 18th FICA – International Environmental Film Festival of Goiás, in addition to having been part of the debates at the Observatório do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow – RJ), CIEE of São Paulo and public universities throughout Brazil.

he documentary shows the reality of residents of critical regions in relation to access to basic sanitation with interviews conducted with ambassadors of Instituto Trata Brasil. The proposal is to show real problems faced daily due to the lack of this fundamental right, in addition to relying on enriching testimonies from personalities from different areas.

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Trata Brasil

O Instituto Trata Brasil é uma OSCIP - Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público, formado por empresas com interesse nos avanços do saneamento básico e na proteção dos recursos hídricos do país.

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