+ Trata Brasil Actions


Since 2012, Instituto Trata Brasil created the booklet “Saneamento Básico e as Eleições Municipais” [Basic Sanitation and Municipal Elections], aimed at the population and all candidates, in order to inform about the current situation in the country and the main laws that manage the sector. In the most recent material, created in 2020, the document provided information on the need for municipalities to invest in water and sewage, the mandatory preparation of Municipal Sanitation Plans (PMSB), as well as the role that each politician plays in favor of sanitation for the population.Access the elections - Available only in Portuguese- Available only in Portuguese


Trata Brasil also has educational booklets such as comic books and leaflets with objective information about the daily life of basic sanitation in the country. Among the works carried out in this concept, the Special Magazine carried out with Mauricio de Sousa, entitled “Uso Racional da Água e Saneamento Básico” [Rational Use of Water and Basic Sanitation], stands out. Access the booklets - Available only in Portuguese.


Published four times a year, the material is developed for Pastoral da Criança. Pastoral da Criança is a social action organization of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil - CNBB, linked to the Episcopal Commission for the Service of Charity, Justice and Peace. They are newsletters with data on sanitation services, interviews with professionals in the area, tips for the population in relation to sanitation and the latest actions of the ITB. The material is distributed to all Pastoral da Criança community leaders in Brazil. Access the booklets. - Available only in Portuguese


In order to broaden the debate on access to basic sanitation in Brazil, the Trata Brasil Institute has already developed educational campaigns in subway stations in the city of São Paulo, at the National Congress, at Pastoral da Criança in Curitiba (PR) and other locations, bringing educational, playful content and a lot of curiosity about access to treated water and the collection and treatment of sewage in the country. Check out the actions of Trata Brasil. - Available only in Portuguese