Logo Trata Brasil

> Trata Brasil Actions

Discover more works developed by Instituto Trata Brasil with the aim of expanding knowledge about basic sanitation in the country. In this sections it is possible to have access o the activities carried out in São Paulo’s subways, comic books developed partnership with publisher, campaigns, online games, among others.

> Trata Brasil Actions

Discover more works developed by Instituto Trata Brasil with the aim of expanding knowledge about basic sanitation in the country. In this sections it is possible to have access o the activities carried out in São Paulo’s subways, comic books developed partnership with publisher, campaigns, online games, among others.


Trata Brasil Studies

Annually, Instituto Trata Brasil publishes a range of studies on access to basic sanitation and its relationship with society. There are several studies with the aim of promoting debates and bringing knowledge to society about the impacts caused by the absence of water and sewage services in the country. In this section you can access all publications, such as the Sanitation Ranking, Study on Water Loss, Economic and Social Benefits of the Sanitation Expansion in Brazil, among others.

> Statistic

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Trata Brasil’s Mascot

Tratinha represents Trata Brasil in favor of the basic sanitation universalization for all.

Access the “Brazil Sanitation Panel” and discover how access to water transforms people’s lives in more than 893 locations throughout Brazil. Check your city’s socioeconomic and sanitation indicators.


Média de tratamento de esgoto entre as 100 maiores cidades brasileiras está longe do necessário

Estabelecido pelo Marco Legal do Saneamento, todas as localidades do país tem como meta atender…

Município de Goiás sobe 34 posições no Ranking do Saneamento 2024 

Aparecida de Goiânia apresentou a maior variação positiva entre as 100 maiores cidades presentes no…

Guia do saneamento: Saiba tudo sobre o panorama dos serviços básicos no Brasil

O material detalha informações essenciais do histórico do saneamento através de oito capítulos  Com intuito…

Internações por falta de saneamento aumentam no Nordeste e chegam a mais de 75 mil casos

Quase 38 milhões de habitantes vivem sem coleta de esgoto na região  Segundo informações do…

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